What happened after the 19th amendment was ratified?

It takes more than a formal rule change to incorporate new groups into the active electorate.  Christina Wolbrecht and I outline how this unfolded for women in the 1920s in a short piece published by the American Bar Association in Insights on Law and Society.  Click here to check out the essay.

ABA cover

Counting Women’s Ballots

Check out my book with Christina Wolbrecht.  We examine the voting behavior of newly enfranchised women in the first five presidential elections after the 1920 ratification of the 19th amendment.  While new women voters don’t change the overall or national relative strength of the two major parties, we find that women enter the electorate as local partisans, making one party GOP states more Republican and one party Democratic states more Democratic.  New women voters contribute to the diminishing vote share of third party alternatives after 1924.


Capital requirements and Basel III

The global financial crisis inspired a radical overhaul of international conventions for capital and liquidity requirements applied to banks. Did the reforms lead to a broad convergence in national approaches to bank regulation, or did the crisis experience lead national authorities to seek broader discretion to reign in risky lending and contain potential crises. Click here to see the working paper.
